Veterans Business Journal

Do you think there should be a separate federal goal for non-service disabled veteran business owners?

192 Votes

Yes (130)
Yes - 130 votes (67.7%)
No (62)
No - 62 votes (32.3%)



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Is Kerry the Future for Veteran-Owned Businesses?
Veterans Business Journal CoverBush has done a lot. Kerry promises more, but can he deliver?

With the upcoming election, we thought it vitally important to provide you with a synopsis of where each major candidate stands on issues relevant to veteran-owned businesses. Senator Kerry provided Veterans Business Journal with an exclusive interview highlighting his positions on veteran-owned small business issues, as seen below. At the time of publication, we were not able to get an interview with President Bush.

Perhaps President Bush’s most notable achievement was the signing of Public Law 108-183 in December 2003. This important law, which added teeth to PL 106-50, brought to light that these SDVOB goals were not being met and furthermore, provided contracting officers with necessary tools to make these goals more achievable.
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WOBs got it. SDBs got it. SDVOBs are getting it. What about the VOBs?
TJ Parro By Mike Woelflein
Birth right, minority, disability? NO! Deserving? Yes! Veteran Business Owners fight for their shot at a Federal Procurement Goal.

For more than a year, TJ Parro has been trying to do business with the Department of Veterans Affairs. So far, the owner of Windsor Software (, a technology and Internet consulting firm in Woodbury, Minn., hasn’t succeeded, but he’s not giving up. Parro, a retired Navy E-5 who flew on search and rescue helicopter missions in the Pacific from 1973 to 1977, focused his government contracting efforts on the VA because the agency says it wants to award seven percent of its contracts to veteran-owned small businesses. That goal has been around for almost 20 years, but the agency has never come close to fulfilling it.

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Don’t Tread on me!
Former Marine Mark Llano is battle ready when it comes to doing business with the DoD.

Mark LlanoMike Woelflein
When Mark Llano started Source One Distributors in February 2003, he immediately had to embark on a tough set of negotiations with his then 5-year-old daughter, Brooke, so he could set up his office in her bedroom

Luckily, his Florida-based business — supplying safety and tactical gear to troops — provided Llano with just the currency Brooke wanted: Chemical light sticks that the military uses for a host of applications and are also fun for a youngster.

“I told her I’d give her 25 light sticks if she moved her toys for me,” Llano says. “About a week later, they were gone, and she said, ‘I don’t think I got such a great deal.’ So I told her to come work with me, put labels on the catalogs, and I’d give her light sticks.”

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